We are fighting for change; PAGA is a Scam!

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PAGA like bills could be coming to your state in 2021

MAINE New York Oregon Washington

California State Senator Hertzberg’s Bill SB 646 “Another carve out for the Union to exempt BIG LABOR form PAGA”

CABIA Opposes SB 646, see our opposition letter here.

CABIA explains the Northern California Record why SB 646 is another BIG LABOR carve out “And what about all the other small and mid-sized janitorial companies that aren’t unionized?” Manzo said. “Why are we protecting this law? Why big labor feels they need an exception truly demonstrates how severely flawed this law truly is.

If you recently have received a PAGA Notice, we can help.


CABIA HR provides an extensive amount of services to help guide you through a PAGA Lawsuit from the day you get the notice until the final settlement. We will be with you the entire way.

CABIA HR offers in depth wage and hour audits to ensure you are compliant with current California Labor Laws. We could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars!


If you have been a victim of PAGA, Fight Back!

CABIA stands up to tell the Legislators, the Attorneys, the Lobbyists, the Lawmakers, and everyone involved in creating this "Legal To Extort Millions" California business environment that enough is enough. Let's fight to change these laws as they currently are!

CABIA is a trade organization founded in 2017 by business executives and entrepreneurs to fix California’s worst law: the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA).


Our foundation was created to help small business, minority owned business, and non-profits so they avoid paga.

CABIA Foundation will put on seminars to educate businesses on avoiding wage and hour lawsuit.

CABIA Foundation will also devote funding to educate the public through many forms of media about the issues about how many of these laws can affect your business.


cabia action

CABIA Action is a Political Action Committee that supports friends of business and goes after those who are not!